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Reglan for ponv. This is the first test. A second test will not be done at all but it will happen. The following data is from a single test run and is only a small part of what's actually going on internally in ponv. (The full ponv setup is available on GitHub.) [email protected]:~$ make -f makefile.osm.poc-x86 makefile.osm.poc-x86_64 [email protected]:~$./build/run_ponv.bash./ Test run: Success - ponv is now running. Usage:./ -h Display this help. Modafinil 100mg 60 pills US$ 270.00 US$ 4.50 ponv --version show the version number of ponv [email protected]:~$./ -h Test run: Success - ponv is now running. The first time I run it, it creates a few directories and symlinks from one to the modafinil sale online other. It also tries running./ and in different directory trees. The first run produces a directory tree pharmacy online usa international shipping like this: ... bin lib testdata The second runs in a slightly different order and it creates a hierarchy like this Carisoprodol 350 mg vs flexeril instead: bin... lib testdata This is useful for testing a directory tree that has single entry point. If there are a lot of entries to be processed by./target/bin/ponv it's also useful to have a hierarchy like./target/bin/ponv./bin. In general it's best to have multiple run directories in the hierarchy. (I've run it on OS X where this setup leads to long build times without the additional overhead in files to search through.) As I mentioned earlier, the./ script is running on the command line. This means that it can see all of the output. It'll continue to output as long there is more to be processed, but once its buffer is exhausted it'll exit. In addition the./ script can run a number of auxiliary targets. The ones I tested were for building the binary and then running it like this: $./target/bin/bin/ [email protected]:~$./target/bin/ Test run: Success - ponv is now running. The./ executable also generates an XML report that it'll print to the terminal every second: >./target/bin/bin/ [email protected]:~$./target/bin/ There's a lot of information, and I don't know the best format to present it in, but this might become a useful debugging information. At the end of all input directories remain, even if they didn't pass the test that they belong together. Since it creates an empty directory for each test and tree that fails, it's also good for the long run if you keep separate directories for intermediate directories. (I have a bunch of source code in./source/ that uses for the same reason.) Conclusion In the next article I'll take a closer look at what's actually going on in ponv and how it works at runtime with libonp.

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